Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Good God Team & Fall Carnival

Don't you just love your kids. Amanda and her friend made up a team they call "The Good God Team." Today, she spent time outside and wrote "the rules" for her team. I ask her permission to share them with you. I'll write as she did and translate in ( ). She usually does well with spelling--free writing,'s about the thoughts, right?


    Obay (obey) the rules.

    We love you God.

    We obay the camandments. (commandments)

    We will obay they's (these)rules.

    Do wate (what) Jesus wode (would) do.

    We spent last night at our former neighbors church's fall carnival. The kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves--we did too. We started out with a pony ride.

After pony rides, we had our hair painted. Joshua would only do it if Mommy would. We then headed off to have a caricature of the kids. Quite funny. Having Joshua sit still was a challenge. We played bingo, plinko, bean bag toss, golf, ring toss, the list goes on and on. We came home with more candy that anybody should get in a lifetime. Speaking of lifetime, It's time for a trip to the gym. Michael and I have to be at a weight trainging class at 7:15 p.m. Till next time...

1 comment:

Chantel said...

How cute is that list of rules!!!