Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Day After

I just read my email for the first time since Sat. I usually check it at least once daily. Anyway, I found out that a lady who is part of our Home School co-op died unexpectly from an aneurysm in the brain on Dec. 23. She has a son who is in Jr. High (I think)and another son who is a bit older and was home for the Christmas break. Her husband had gone out of town to visit a friend who was about to have surgery. My heart is so heavy for this family. Please keep them in your prayers.

Well, here we are, Dec. 26, 2007. What a week it's been! On Christmas Eve, we had Michael's family over around noon. We enjoyed a sweet time together~~We don't get together enough! We went out to my parents around noon on Christmas Day. Mom and Dad cooked up a wonderful brisket. Both places this year we had deserts in excess. Just too much to take it all in. I'm considering a different kind of Christmas next year. I think it would be wonderful if we gave more to others who truely don't have their needs met instead of trying to figure out what we could possibly buy for those who have more than they need. God has blessed us so richly.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Here's a few of our pictures...

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